Our digital products

Our very flexible survey-system (Survey4Bizz) ensures that every possible survey is fully automated converted to (near) real-time dashboards or other visualisations, with all desired key figures or graphs in the branding of your choice.

All possible surveys ? Yes, of course

There is no restriction on the number of questions, number of respondents, degree of personalisation, method of reporting. Examples:

  • survey about (safety) rules among your staff/employees
  • survey about GDPR
  • survey about (para)medical or other knowledge
  • survey about the satisfaction of customers, suppliers, ...

When you use your own or a commercial survey tool (Microsoft/Google Forms; Survey Monkey; ...), it is no problem for us to do the data-extraction, data analysis and data visualisation in dashboards, fact sheets, visuals, ...

Read more about this digital solution in our flyer. 

Spot On Digital bv has developed a scientifically validated system (Digital Competence Radar - DCR) that allows reliable and detailed mapping of the digital competences/maturity of your employees, volunteers, managers.

The Digital Competence Radar (DCR) was created after analysis of several existing systems

Biggest advantages:

  • Every respondent receives a personalised link to a secure environment by e-mail, where he/she can access the survey with a personal password
  • Unlike other tools, the DCR has sufficient questions and answer possibilities to get a detailed measurement, and the questions are logic/understandable for the customers
  • We have a fully automated reporting process to company/organisation:
  • Standard available is a (near) real-time company report (customizable) with which HR/management can follow-up on almost everything (response, maturity, groups of employees with high/low skills, ...).
  • Options include a personalised report to each respondent; a tailormade follow-up trajectory with learning snacks (e-modules, on-site or remote training and refresher courses, ...) and a clarification meeting with HR/management to explain/discuss in a didactical way the insights.

We measure the digital competences/maturity of your company/organisation, and have sufficient questions, sufficient answer possibilities and a automated reporting process to employees and company/organisation. The management or the HR division gets a (near) real-time dashboard to follow-up on the response, departments/teams, groups of employees, ...

Read more about this digital solution in our flyer.  

If you don't just want to see the tip of the iceberg of your business data, but you want to gain real business insight, Spot On Digital bv offers tailormade reporting- and Business Intelligence (BI) solutions:

  • on every possible scale (from full-scale solutions to tailormade solutions on a limited scale)
  • for every possible client (government, small/big organisations from different sectors, hospitals, companies, schools, ...)
  • with all possible data (sales, HR, clients, members, finances, accountancy, communication, ...)

Spot On Digital bv always offers tailormade visualisations of your data and is really different than others because of our pedagogical expertise. Every visualisation technique for your data is possible: dashboards, if necessary integrated in collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or embedded environments, fact sheets, management summaries, presentations, flyers, (online) publications/year reports, posts on social media, ...

Throughout the reporting and BI process, it is too often forgotten that everything starts with the quality of the data. Testing and cleaning data are essential in this respect and Spot On Digital is happy to offer both aspects, based on more than 25 years of experience.

  • Testing whether your business applications generate valid data and formulating recommendations to adjust this.
  • Cleaning company data: once-only, recurrent, automated, ... it's all possible. This should always be the first step, because if unclean data enters a reporting environment, the reporting itself is also immediately unclean.

Read more about this digital solution in our flyer.  

Every company/organisation has a global strategy (mission/vision/business plan) that describes why you do something and what you are going to do. But, does it describe the how ?

The digital revolution in our ecosystem rquires also a digital strategy. Spot On Digital bv is ideally placed to inspire and support you (government, company, organisation, hospital, school, ...) with the realisation of an optimal digital strategy. We offer:

  • inspiration on how you can deploy the drivers of digital transformation in your company/organisation
  • inspiration on how to survive the digital tsunami in your organisation and avoid taking digital decisions at "the sideline", but bringing digital to the DNA of your organisation
  • keynotes that motivate key players in the digital transformation process
  • guidance of the digital transformation process itself

In many companies, decisions on ICT-applications or -processes are taken by people not (sufficiently) aware of the functional processes. That is why applications often are too complex, too little efficient for people working with them, and for the management hardly any monitoring on KPI's and company results is available.

Read more about this digital solution in our flyer.

Spot On Digital bv creates digital apps for sports services in municipalities, organisations from different sectors, companies, government, ... which achieve efficiency gains and save costs and time. The digital apps aim for a digital transformation and bring digital more to the DNA.

The digital apps of Spot On Digital bv are developed in co-creation and tailormade for every customer. They mainly (but not only) focus on the next 6 domains:

  • managing master data
  • data cleaning
  • low code business apps
  • mapping data
  • accounting/financial apps
  • creating and managing low-code websites

Read more about this digital solution in our flyer. 

We are different in our training and refresher courses because of our didactical/pedagogical approach. Every course is situated within the Taxonomy of Bloom to make clear what the learning goals can be.

Spot On Digital bv offers digital training courses, refresher courses and learning snacks for:

  • clients who want to follow-up on the Digital Competence Radar (DCR) and want to improve the digital competences within the company/organisation
  • all other clients: companies, governments, organisations from all sectors (culture, youth, sport, ...), schools, hospitals, ...

We offer asynchronous learning possibilities (e.g. e-modules), synchronous on-site and synchronous remote courses or refresher courses for:

  • the 4 domeins, 12 subdomains and 144 items from the DCR
  • specific tools/applications like most Microsoft-tools (see flyer)
  • tailormade company software

Read more about this digital solution in our flyer.